스파와 웰빙
건강과 웰빙
오늘날까지 전해오는 전통 하와이 치유법의 하나인 로미로미 마사지의 리드미컬한 손길에 몸을 맡겨보세요. 따뜻하게 데운 포하쿠(스톤)가 긴장까지 녹여줍니다. 토종 꽃을 활용한 페이셜 트리트먼트와 활력을 되찾아 주는 코나 커피 스크럽으로 피부에 활기를 가져다주세요. 해변에서 석양을 맞으며 요가를 즐기며 지친 하루의 피로를 날려보는 것은 어떨까요? 어떤 액티비티를 선택하든지 로카히(조화)를 이룰 수 있답니다.
각 섬에서의 스파와 웰빙
하와이에서의 스파와 웰빙
Maui Healing Retreat specializes in putting Health and Wellness packages together for individuals, [...]
For it’s written in the stars. Inspired by the Kilolani, to help you seek balance within. Premiering [...]
The open, warm spirit of native Hawaiians is something lived rather than learned, but visitors of The [...]
Offering treatments from massages to facials performed by licensed estheticians and therapists, many [...]
Waikiki Massage and Foot Spa offers various massage techniques from our massage therapists who are [...]
Inspired by ancient Hawaiian traditions, therapies at The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua Spa embrace [...]
Promoting health and wellness using Hawaiian culture healing and arts, take a journey and let your body [...]
Indulge your senses and re-align body, mind and spirit at Alana Spa, a Ka'anapali relaxation and [...]
Resting in the arms of Ka‘ūpūlehu, Hualālai Spa brings together the natural wealth found in this [...]
Located on world-famous Kaanapali North Beach, Honua Kai Resort & Spa is Maui's newest luxury resort. [...]
Escape to Maui’s most beautiful retreat. Lumeria Maui is the latest trend in edventure (educational [...]
Activities at Still & Moving Center are also available online! Still & Moving Center is a local and [...]