Submit Events

Submit an Event Today! Listing an event is free, however, by submitting an event, you acknowledge and represent that the content is accurate, current and the images or content you provide does not violate any copyright or trademark laws. Upon submission, the HTA and/or HVCB reserve the right to review the submitted content prior to posting on the Calendar of Events.

Submitted content and images may be translated and used in the events page sections on other gohawaii websites serving international markets.

We also reserve the right to deny or remove listing s that promote the sale of goods, services, and/or ongoing activities/tours by a business, and if:

1. The event has been cancelled;
2. HTA/HVCB deems the event to be of poor taste or reflect poorly on Hawaiʻi

Event submissions must meet the following criteria:
- Event is occurring in The Hawaiian Islands
- Event is open to the public and of interest to visitors.

Aloha and Welcome to the Calendar of Events submission page. The primary purpose of this calendar is to list events representing Hawaiʻi's culture, art & music, cuisine, sports and festivals that will attract or entice visitors to - or enhance a visitor's stay while in the Hawaiian Islands. As such, it is not meant to be an all-inclusive community calendar.


**PLEASE NOTE**: Please do not register if you are just looking to view events. Registration is only required for submitting events to be included on the Calendar. Click here to view the Hawaiian Islands Annual Festivals and Events Calendar. Event Submission Login & Request

Aloha and Welcome to the Calendar of Events submission page. The primary purpose of this calendar is to list events representing Hawaiʻi's culture, art & music, cuisine, sports and festivals that will attract or entice visitors to - or enhance a visitor's stay while in the Hawaiian Islands. As such, it is not meant to be an all-inclusive community calendar.

**PLEASE NOTE**: Please do not register if you are just looking to view events. Registration is only required for submitting events to be included on the Calendar. Click here to view the Hawaiian Islands Annual Festivals and Events Calendar.


Current Users: Login

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New Users: Create an Account

Take a few moments to create an event user login - click "Create New Account" button below to Register for a new account.

- Event is occurring in The Hawaiian Islands
- Event is open to the public and of interest to visitors.