State Parks und Nationalparks in Hawaii
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Nationalparks in Hawaii
Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, Island of Hawaiʻi
Zu den größten Sehenswürdigkeiten im Park zählen eine dampfende Caldera, schwarze Lavafelder und der Kilauea, einer der aktivsten Vulkane der Welt.
Haleakalā National Park, Maui
Der gleichnamige ruhende Vulkan thront 3.055 m hoch über dem Meeresspiegel und beherbergt eine atemberaubende Vielfalt an Landschaften und vom Aussterben bedrohten Arten. Von den Sonnenaufgängen im Park hat schon der berühmte amerikanische Autor Mark Twain geschwärmt.
Mehr Lesen“Tip 1: Stay on the trail! Going off-trail, whether for adventuring or lack of clear marking, is a good way to get lost.”
“Tip 2: Carry plenty of extra drinking water, at least 2L per person per day (or more if exercising strenuously).”
“Tip 3: When near lava, do not inhale the mist. It contains small particles of glass and can damage the lungs!”
“Tip 4: Carry a compass. Sometimes trail tags go missing, and a compass ensures you can navigate as long as you know how to use it.”
“Tip 5: Reserve early. Bookings are accepted up to a year in advance at some parks.”
“Tip 6: When hitting a photo op, pay attention to warnings like CAUTION or LOOSE GRAVEL and stay within permitted areas to avoid injury.”
“Tip 7: Wash shoes before and after visiting to prevent spreading seeds and contaminants, especially between islands.”
“Tip 8: Don’t forget bug spray! The jungles and beaches are known for their bug populations.”
“Tip 9: Always hike or camp with a buddy, and let someone know your plans and expected return time.”
“Tip 10: Follow all posted guidelines for camping and hiking, both at the parks and on their websites.”