Actividades y experiencias en Hawái
Un lugar único en la Tierra

Qué ver y hacer en Hawái

In Hawaiʻi, breathtaking sights await you at every turn. Witness nature's power at our national parks, tour amazing museums or find your perfect beach.

From surfing the gentle waves of Waikīkī Beach to snorkeling with manta rays on the Kona Coast, the Hawaiian Islands are truly an adventurer's playground.
Family Fun

Descarga las experiencias en realidad virtual para explorar más de Hawái

Cultura y gastronomía hawaiana

History & Culture
As a cultural crossroads, Hawaiʻi's history is unlike any other on earth. Walk in the footsteps of royalty at ancient temples, experience the art of hula and more.
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With our bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lush upland cattle farms and Pacific waters teeming with sashimi-grade fish, Hawaiian cuisine is a colorful tapestry of tastes and traditions.
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Get a closer look at Hawaiʻi's delicate ecosystem and help keep our islands sustainable for generations to come. Take a taro or coffee farm tour, peruse the Sunshine Markets of Kauaʻi or explore the many botanical gardens throughout the Hawaiian Islands.
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Atracciones y actividades de Hawái
Tenga en cuenta que: nos disculpamos por cualquier inconveniente, pero nuestras listas de empresas preferidas a continuación solo están en inglés.