
Kauaʻi Festivals and Annual Events

Visitors are encouraged to join in on the year-round celebrations of Kauaʻi Festivals (WWW.KAUAIFESTIVALS.COM) to experience first hand how locals honor the culture of the islands.

Some notable cultural Kauaʻi festivals include the Kōloa Plantation Days Celebration (July), which turns Old Kōloa Town into a gathering place for food, entertainment and a parade honoring Kōloa’s multicultural heritage. The Kauaʻi Mokihana Festival (September), which features a hula competition, performances and cultural workshops. The  E ʻEmalani I Alaka‘i Festival (October) in Kōkeʻe State Park pays homage to Queen Emma’s journey across the Alaka‘i forest and swamp. It features a three-day hula competition showcasing dancers from around the world.

Check the events calendar or ask your concierge for festivals and events during your stay. Whether it’s the Kauaʻi Marathon, an ʻukulele concert in Hanalei Town, or the Waimea Town Celebration (February), the oldest festival on the island, join in the celebration on Kauaʻi.

Vidéo : Festivals et événements à Hawaï

Video: Festivals

Découvrez les événements et festivals annuels uniques de l’État d’Hawaï. Goûtez aux délicieuses spécialités culinaires, découvrez une culture haute en couleur, des sports passionnants et bien plus encore.