Sans Souci/Kaimana Beach Park

Waikīkī - Sans Souci/Kaimana Beach Park

Where: South Shore
Activities: Fishing, snorkeling, surfing, swimming
Amenities: Parking, restrooms, showers, lifeguard

Considered one of the best family beaches in Waikīkī, Sans Souci is shallow, sandy and free of strong currents. It’s also a great location for snorkeling. Swimmers and kayakers also frequent the beach to access the waters beyond the reef through Kapua Channel, which leads to Old Man’s, a popular surf site. Also known as Kaimana Beach, San Souci is an old name that goes back to 1884 and means “without a care” in French.

Please note: Hawaiʻi's ocean and beach conditions are as unique as the islands themselves. Visit HIOCEANSAFETY.COM which constantly monitors the surf, wind, and reports from public safety officials that directly affect the conditions for safety of Hawaiian beaches. Use the hazard signs on HIOCEANSAFETY.COM as well to quickly assess conditions and help you find the appropriate beach for your visit.
Waves crashing onto a sandy beach

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