Arts & Culture

Island of Hawaiʻi Arts & Culture

The island of Hawaiʻi is truly an island of creativity. The creative energy flows from its volcanoes, forming new land, and from its people, generating unique and compelling art and perpetuating cherished cultural practices.


The distinctive styles of paintings, sculptures, glassware, jewelry, hand-carved koa wood bowls and many more types of art found on Hawaiʻi Island bring to life the unique influences of rich culture and spectacular environment on our many talented artists.

Home to an array of museums, galleries and performance venues, Hawaiʻi Island rewards visitors who take the time to browse and admire the work of local painters, sculptors, musicians, storytellers and crafts people. It’s a great way to get out, stretch your legs and meet artists. 


Volcano Art Center

This non-profit center in Volcano develops, promotes and perpetuates the artistic, cultural and environmental heritage of Hawai‘i’s people through arts and education. The center hosts a gallery with art by over 200 local artists, offers art programs for residents and visitors, and organizes a hula performance series in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park.


Isaacs Art Center

The building housing Isaacs Art Center was Waimea’s first public school, built in 1915. Today it is stewarded by Hawaiʻi Preparatory Academy to give the community access to art and provide a cultural learning experience. It contains a large permanent collection of paintings, furniture, rare books and Hawaiiana.


Merrie Monarch Festival - March/April

The largest concentration of arts and culture on the island of Hawaiʻi every year is the Merrie Monarch Festival in Hilo. The festival culminates in a hula competition considered the pinnacle of the hula world – even to dance on the stage is a notable achievement for a dancer. The artisan fairs held in conjunction with the festival have grown to include the finest Made In Hawaiʻi products, cultural arts and more. The music around town is second to none, and in recent years, Merrie Monarch has become a hot spot for Hawaiian fashion.


Kona Coffee Cultural Festival - November

This annual festival celebrating two centuries of coffee heritage in Kona features 10 days of festivities honoring culture, pioneers, farmers, artisans, musicians, dancers and coffee.

More Island of Hawaiʻi Art & Culture



From historic Huliheʻe Palace to the ultra-modern ʻImiloa Astronomy Center of Hawaiʻi, there is a wide range of compelling museums to explore on the island of Hawaiʻi.

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Learn the history of the Hawaiian art of hula and the world-famous Merrie Monarch Festival, plus lūʻau you can attend on the island of Hawaiʻi.

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Arts & Culture on the Island of Hawaiʻi

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